Monday, April 09, 2007

About boys ...

"In fact, boys are as -or more-different from one another as they are from girls.


“There is a bigger difference between one man and another than the difference between a Man and a monkey.” I think there is something like this in “Crime and punishment”.
That is a very clear sentence that goes against the common belief used in times of grief “men are all alike”. Seems to me that men are alike in what they want but they use so many different tactics to get it that sometimes they fall in love with the tactic and care less about the goal. Ok, ok, I’m drifting. In this case, what makes the real difference is that now that both genders have equal studies opportunities (generally speaking) boys are falling behind. They are not dumber (I hope) but they lack a natural consistency that women have. Men are more prone to stray, to deviate from a course of responsibilities. Boys need much more attention than girls to be able to stay on the right track (blame testosterone, I know, I know). In an age of progressive individualism, parents have less and less time to be with their kids, and boys are the first ones to pay that price since girls are more self-sufficient. Men don’t have the responsibility to support a family anymore, women are financially independent (in the general western world) so the weight is lifted off their shoulders. Why should they bother now? Young boys feel it since an early age and are influenced by it. What is their function now that women can, if they want, have kids just by going to a sperm bank? Many things were written about how men are social parasites, but now, now it’s more official than ever.
Luckily, women like us. Go figure...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

:)))guerra e guerra!

"She may envy her husband, true enough in certain details.She may envy his masculine liberties, his invulnerable complacency, his talent for petty vices, his soothing romanticism.But she never envies him his puerile Ego;she never envies him his shoddy and preposterous soul."

H.L.Mencken- "In defense of Women"


4/09/2007 9:25 PM  

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